Flat roofs are seen on houses more often now than they used to be. Unlike a traditional gabled roof, a flat roof is exactly that, flat. Flat roofs can be great because they’re easy to work on.
You don’t have to worry about supports like rafters and joists getting in the way of a full replacement of a flat roof when it’s time to handle the roof replacement. They can be insured relatively inexpensively since someone walking on the roof is at a reduced chance of falling off. A flat roof that’s made of good construction can last for about 10 to 15 years, allowing the owner to see in a relatively short time if the roof is going to meet their needs over the long term.
While there are some disadvantages to the flat roof style, for example, drainage can be a challenge, the type is attractive and in-style on many types of houses, especially in parts of the United States like the Southwest, which doesn’t get a whole lot of rain at a time.
Flat roofs offer unique opportunities for the homeowner. Their striking aesthetics and easy maintainability make them a good alternative to traditional gables.